- Vietnam Facts
9,087,000 (Million) military personnel served on active duty during the official Vietnam era from August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975. 2,709,918 Americans served in uniform in Vietnam. Veterans represented 9.7% of their generation. 240 men were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War
1. The first man to die in Vietnam was James Davis, in 1958. He was with the 509th Radio Research Station. Davis Station in Saigon was named for him.
2. 58,148 were killed in Vietnam
3. 75,000 were severely disabled
4. 23,214 were 100% disabled
5. 5,283 lost limbs
6. 1,081 sustained multiple amputations
7. Of those killed, 61% were younger than 21
8. 11,465 of those killed were younger than 20 years old
9. Of those killed, 17,539 were married
10. Average age of men killed: 23.1 years
11. Five men killed in Vietnam were only 16 years old
12. The oldest man killed was 62 years old
13. As of January 15, 2004, there are 1,875 Americans still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War
14. 97% of Vietnam Veterans were honorably discharged
15. 91% of Vietnam Veterans say they are glad they served
16. 74% say they would serve again, even knowing the outcome
17. Vietnam veterans have a lower unemployment rate than the same non-vet age groups
18. Vietnam veterans’ personal income exceeds that of our non-veteran age group by more than 18 percent
19. 87% of Americans hold Vietnam Veterans in high esteem
20. There is no difference in drug usage between Vietnam Veterans and non-Vietnam veterans of the same age group (Source: Veterans Administration Study)
21. Vietnam Veterans are less likely to be in prison – only one-half of one percent of Vietnam Veterans have been jailed for crimes
22. 85% of Vietnam Veterans made successful transitions to civilian life
23. Interesting Census Stats and “Been There” Wanabees: a. 1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August, 1995 (census figures). b. During that same Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country was: 9,492,958.
24. As of the current Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511. This is hard to believe, losing nearly 711,000 between ’95 and ’00. That’s 390 per day.
25. During this Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE Vietnam vets are not.
25. The Department of Defense Vietnam War Service Index officially provided by The War Library originally reported with errors that 2,709,918 U.S.military personnel as having served in-country. Corrections and confirmations to this errored index resulted in the addition of 358 U.S. military personnel confirmed to have served in Vietnam but not originally listed by the Department of Defense. (All names are currently on file and accessible 24/7/365).
Continue reading → - Training Information
Navigators in Multiple Classes
- Richard (Dick) A. Bain (52-05, 61-18, 63-19)
- Josh Batchelder (52-??(RI) & 64-04)
- Walter F. Sosnowski (62-16 & 63-06RI)
Navigator Conversion to Combat Systems Officer
A Combat Systems Officer (CSO) is a rated aviation officer in the U.S. Air Force. CSO’s are responsible for air operations and aircraft mission/weapon systems, and is the new rated designation for navigators, Electronic Warfare Officers, and Weapon Systems Officers who complete Undergraduate Combat Systems Officer training at either Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (until Sept. 2010) or Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida. Often the Mission Commander, the CSO manages the mission and integrates with the Aircraft Commander to collectively achieve and maintain situational awareness and mission effectiveness. CSOs are trained in navigation, the use of the electromagnetic spectrum, and weapon system employment. Aircrew responsibilities include mission planning, mission timing, threat reactions, aircraft communications, and hazard avoidance. CSO training merges three USAF navigator training tracks formerly known as the Navigator (NAV) track, the Weapon Systems Officer (WSO) track and the Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO) track into one coherent training cycle to produce an aeronautically rated officer who is more versatile. Parallel navigator and WSO training tracks ended in 2009 as the positions are being gradually phased out, and under AFI 36-402, rated navigators (those not CSOs) are not eligible for advanced CSO ratings. The separation between CSO candidates attending training at Randolph AFB and those attending NAS Pensacola is in the type of aircraft the candidates would later fly. Navigators graduating from Randolph AFB were assigned to airlift, aerial refueling, special operations, search and rescue, RC-135 reconnaissance, or B-52 Stratofortress duties,[1] while CSOs graduating from NAS Pensacola were assigned as Weapons Systems Officers in either the F-15E Strike Eagle strike fighter or B-1B Lancer bomber after follow-on EWO training at Randolph AFB. At Randolph AFB, the 562d Flying Training Squadron (phased out Sept 2010) of the 12th Flying Training Wing was responsible for training inflight navigation with the Raytheon T-1A Jayhawk and Boeing T-43A Bobcat aircraft while the 563d Flying Training Squadron teaches the electronic warfare in an academic and simulator environment. The 563d Flying Training Squadron also incorporates the T-43A Bobcat and the T-1A Jayhawk in advanced CSO training. At NAS Pensacola, Training Squadron 4 (VT-4) and Training Squadron 10 (VT-10) started conducting basic and intermediate flight training in the Raytheon T-6 Texan II, Raytheon T-1A Jayhawk and Rockwell T-39 Sabreliner, while Training Squadron 86 (VT-86) conducts advanced training in the T-39 and the Boeing T-45 Goshawk. Beginning in fiscal year 2010, the parallel undergraduate CSO training track at Randolph will formally end, with Pensacola becoming the primary UCSO training site, and Randolph providing completion of specialized training hours for USAF CSOs. Training will be collocated with Navy NFO training but will not be entirely joint because of differing requirements.[1] Upon completion of training, USAF CSOs receive basic Navigator/CSO wings. At seven years of aeronautically rated service, they become eligible for Senior CSO rating and at fifteen years Master CSO rating, although an effort is underway to rename the Master designation to Command CSO, standardizing same with their USAF Command Pilot counterparts. The rationale for this change is that USAF Navigators/CSOs now serve as aircraft mission commanders, and command operational combat flying squadrons, operational flying groups and operational flying wings in the same manner as their USAF Pilot counterparts.
Continue reading → - Training Equipment
This section includes interesting facts and photos about equipment navigators and observers use such as sextants, plotters, etc.
- The Colonel’s Demise
On the wall adjacent to my desk is a frame that contains my Certificate of Aeronautical Rating. It is signed by Colonel Robert B. Collins, who commanded James Connally AFB near Waco, Texas in the late 1950’s. During a vacation trip Colonel Collins made headlines in a most unwelcome manner. He was traveling north out of Waco; his route was to take him through Dallas and on to his family home in north Texas. This was before the Interstate highway system was built. The trip extended into the dark winter night and he stopped at a gasoline station to use the restroom and fill up with gasoline. His wife was asleep on the darkened back seat of their large Cadillac sedan.
Colonel Collins paid for the gasoline and then went to use the men’s room. At this point his wife awakened and decided that she needed to use the ladies rest room and she did. A few seconds later Colonel Collins returned to his car, started the engine and continued to drive north toward Dallas on the rural two lane highway. He was unaware that his wife was not in the car. Mrs. Collins returned to the gasoline island to find the Cadillac missing. She was perplexed. What had happened? Where was the car? Where was her husband? She sat on the concrete island and pondered her options. How could she contact her husband? This was decades before cell phones. There was no way to telephone him and ask him to return and pick her up. What could she do? Then she remembered he was listening to a football game from the Cotton Bowl in Dallas on the car radio when she went to sleep in the back seat. If she called the radio station broadcasting the game they might get a message to him and he could turn back to get her.
She went into the gas station office and telephoned the radio station and described her predicament. Within minutes the broadcaster at the Cotton Bowl was announcing to everyone in radio range: “Colonel Collins, traveling north on Highway 77 … You left your wife at the Gulf gas station in Hillsboro. Please go back to get her.” This was announced repeatedly throughout the game. The sports commentators had great time at the Colonel’s expense.
Now it was a contest. Who would get to the gas station first? … Colonel Collins or the photographers from the Dallas newspapers? The vipers from the press won the race. The morning newspapers featured a large picture of Mrs. Collins sitting forlornly on the concrete island in front of the gas pumps. Any hopes Colonel Collins may have had for future promotion were drowned in the ink that produced the unflattering headline, the glum photograph and the accompanying feature article that appeared above the fold on the first page of every edition. It definitely was a career altering moment for the good Colonel.From Bob VonBargen (59-19)
Continue reading → - T-29 Scrap Metal-T-29 History
T-29 History- The T-29A made its initial flight in September of 1949 at Lindburg Field in San Diego. The cabin had fourteen fully-equipped stations for students or instructors and one radio-operator’s station. Each student had access to a map table, Loran scope, altimeter, and radio compass panel. While flying in the airplane, students learned to navigate using dead reckoning map reading, radio, radar, low level and over-water techniques and procedures. In the roof of the fuselage were four astrodomes through which students could take sights with sextants. The production order for 48 unpressurized T-29A models followed the flight. There were 105 T-29B and 119 T-29C aircraft models built, all with pressurized fuselages. There were later 93 T-29D models built. The T-29 was based at Ellington AFB, Harlingen AFB and James Connally AFB, all in Texas and at Mather AFB, CA. The T-29 was replaced by the Boeing T-43 jet aircraft, a version of the 737-200, in 1973 and 1974.
WACO Tribune Sunday August 10, 2008:
By Van Darden
Tribune-Herald staff writer
Soon enough, Ron Barrett surmises, the last known Convair T-29 training airplane will go in the recycling bin, to be melted down and transformed into soda cans and tuna tins.Barrett, a historian for the James Connally Air Force Base Navigators, said the plane was auctioned off as scrap Saturday at Texas State Technical College, the current site of the decommissioned base. “[This plane] is historic because it’s the last of the C-131 Samaritans converted to train navigators and radio operators during the Cold War,” Barrett said.
Tom Corley attended the auction and said the engines were separated from their frame and sold separately. “A local guy bought the frame for about $5500 and a guy out of Fredricksburg bought the engines for use in some of his private planes,”
Corley said.Before the state of Texas bought the base for use as a technical school, Barrett said, James Connally Air Force Base trained navigators, radio operators, bombardiers, and instrument navigation specialists for the U.S. Air Force’s Strategic Air Command from 1951 until 1968.
Once outfitted, each T-29 could train as many as 14 navigators at a time, Barrett said. From there, the navigators and radio operators would go on to serve on B-47 Stratojet and B-52 Stratofortress bombers, built to carry nuclear weapons for Cold War-era deterrence missions. “For all of us who were stationed there or involved [with that program] this represents the last remnants of that Cold War base,” Barrett said.
Continue reading →
“It’s all gone.” - T-29 Flying Classroom
T-29″Flying Classroom”
The C-131/T-29 is a USAF transport version of the Convair 240/340/440 series commercial airliners. The first Samaritan, a C-131A derived from the Convair 240, was delivered to the Air Force in 1954. It was similar to the T-29 (Flying Classroom) trainer (also based on the Convair 240) flown by the USAF since 1949 to instruct navigators, bombardiers and radio operators. A total of 472 of these aircraft were built. The first T-29A made its initial flight on 22 September, 1949 at Lindburg Field in San Diego CA. The cabin has fourteen fully-equipped stations for students or instructors and one radio-operator’s station. Each student has access to a map table, Loran scope, altimeter, and radio compass panel. In the roof of the fuselage are four astrodomes through which students can take sights with sextants. Five drift meters are also included. The production order for 48 unpressurized T-29A models followed the flight. There were 105 T-29B and 119 T-29C aircraft models built. The T-29B and C model fuselages were pressurized. The distinctive feature of the T-29D (first of the 93 purchased was flown in August 1953) was the installation of the K system bomb sight and camera scoring capability. Some T-29s also saw duty as staff transports. The C-131 was acquired primarily for medical evacuation and personnel transportation. A few C-131s were used for training and testing. In fact, the first prototype of the Southeast Asia vintage side-firing “Gunship” program used the C-131 airframe. Fifteen C-131Es were built in 1956 and 1957 for use as electronic countermeasures trainers by SAC. SAC also used the aircraft for administrative support purposes. Nearly all of the USAF’s C-131s were inactivated in the late 1970s, but a few were still serving in Air National Guard units in the mid-1980s. Its principal mission was the transportation of personnel and its last assignment was with the South Dakota Air National Guard.Convair built a total of 472 T-29/C-131 aircraft for the USAF. Breakout is as follows:
Length: 74 ft. 8 in.
Height: 26 ft. 11 in.
Weight: 43,575 lbs. loaded
Armament: None
Engines: Two Pratt & Whitney R-2800-97/-99W of 2,500 hp.ea. with water/alcohol injection
Crew: Four plus 14/16/2 stations for student navigators
Cost: $635,000 Approx.
Serial number: T-29A: 49-1910/1945 50-183/194 T-29B: 51-3795/3816: -5114/5172:-7892/7917 T-29C: 52-2091/1175: 53-3461/3495 T-29D: 52-1176/1185: -5812/5836: -9976/9980: 53-3495/3546Performance:
Maximum speed: 296/299 mph.
Cruising speed: 248/286 mph.
Range: 1,500/760 miles
Service Ceiling: 23,500/24,000 ft. - REUNIONS— NEXT REUNION-See AFNOA 2024 REUNION
The 2024 Reunion is planned for September 17-19 2024 in Waco, Texas.
FOR 2024 REUNION DETAILS SEE –2024-AFNOA REUNION-17-19 Sept 2024–Registration Form & Information for Waco, Texas (in another tab)
BELOW IS A SUMMARY of the LAST reunion held Sept 2022 in Fort worth Texas–
The AFNOA REUNION is rescheduled for 19-21 September 2022 –SIGN UP INFO will appear in the APRIL & JULY 2022 edition of DR AHEAD! — —— PICTURES of reunion will be in the January 2023 DR AHEAD!
To be held at the Embassy Suites, downtown Fort Worth, Texas 76106. Room rates are $139 per night, plus tax. (NOT AVAILABLE AFTER 15 AUGUST) Breakfast is included in the room rate. Valet Parking at the hotel is discounted to $22. The registration fee is $186.00 per person. Call the Embassy Suites at 817-332-6900 no later than August 15, 2022 to make your hotel reservations. Be sure to mention you are with the Air Force Navigators Observers (AFNOA)Reunion to receive the group room rate. The group rate is also available 3 days before and after the reunion dates based on room availability at the hotel.
Monday September 19th
2:00pm ~ Registration and Hospitality Room Opens
5:30pm – 6:30pm ~ No Host Cocktails
6:30pm – 9:00pm ~ Dinner Buffet
9:00pm -11:00pm ~ Hospitality Open
Tuesday September 20th
7:30am-9:30am ~ Board Meeting
9:30am-11:30am ~ Membership Meeting
10:00am-3:30pm ~ Hospitality Room Open
4:30pm-5:30pm ~ No Host Cocktails
5:30pm-10:00pm ~ Banquet Dinner & Program (Chicken/Salmon options)
Wednesday September 21st
10:30am-4:30pm ~ Optional Tour ~ Fort Worth Stockyards
TBD~ Optional Tour ~ Lockheed Martin & Fort Worth Stockyards
Optional Tours
Thursday September TDB
~ 10:30am-4:30pm ~ Fort Worth Stockyards ~ Cost $ 38.00
We will visit the Fort Worth Stockyards. Fort Worth is where the West begins, and nothing embodies Western heritage better than the Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District. From the original brick walkways to the wooden corrals, every inch of the Stockyards tells the true history of Texas’s famous livestock industry. Watch the morning cattle drive. The Fort Worth Herd steers can be viewed before and after cattle drives in their pens behind the Livestock Exchange Building on East Exchange Avenue. Drovers are available before each cattle drive for photo ops and questions. After the cattle drive you will have time to do lunch on your own and explore the stockyard area.Due to COVID, Lockheed cannot commit to this tour at this time, but if their restrictions change they will be offering this tour, however the tour will be limited in numbers, so sign up early to secure your spot on the tour.
Sign-ups are on a first come first serve basis.
Wheelchairs are allowed but please let us know in advance so we can make the appropriate arrangements. Flat sole – closed toe shoes are required. There will be approximately ½ mile of walking. The rest of the tour will have transportation supplied. No weapons of any kind are allowed. There is a place on the registration form to fill out the information needed for the security screening. You must be a US Citizen with no criminal record and provide the information requested on the registration form.
We will receive an exclusive briefing and tour of the mile long state-of-the-art manufacturing facility that is producing the only 5th Generation Stealth Fighter in the World, the F-35 Lightning II. The Lightning II is a single-seat, single engine fighter aircraft designed for many missions with advanced, integrated sensors built into every aircraft. Missions that were traditionally performed by small numbers of specialized aircraft, such as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and electronic attack missions can now be executed by a squadron of F-35s, bringing new capabilities to many allied forces. The F-35 is developed, produced, and supported by an international team of leading aerospace companies. As the prime contractor, Lockheed Martin continues its 100-year history of aircraft research and design with the Lightning II. Principal partners Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems build the center and aft fuselages,
respectively. Northrop Grumman also brings its expertise in carrier aircraft and low-observable stealth technology to the F-35 program and supports logistics, sustainment, modeling and simulation and mission planning. BAE Systems contributes a rich heritage of capabilities, including short takeoff and vertical landing experience, advanced lean manufacturing, flight testing and air systems sustainment. Pratt & Whitney builds the F-35’s F135 propulsion system, the world’s most powerful fighter engine.
After the Lockheed tour you will have time to explore Fort Worth and do lunch on your own. In the late 19th century Fort Worth became an important trading post for cowboys at the end of the Chisholm Trail. A few things to see in Fort Worth include the Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth Stockyards and National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame.For More Information Contact: Jim Faulkner
or The Reunion BRAT–360-663-2521 — thereunionbrat@hotmail.comCOME JOIN US AS WE SHARE OLD MEMORIES AND MAKE NEW ONES!
• Confirmation of registration and schedule will be sent out by August 21, 2022
• By sending in your registration form, you are agreeing to the cancellation policy
• A $20 per person cancellation fee will apply to all cancellations received within 30 days of the event.
• Cancellations received within 15 days of the event will be non-refundable.
• Cancellations can ONLY be requested over the phone at 360-663-2521. You will receive a cancellation number; no
refund will be issued without this number. Please make sure to keep this number for verification of your
Attendees Can Schedule/Plan Tours On Their Own. Below Are A Few Options
Fort Worth Zoo
Walking through the Fort Worth Zoo, established in 1909, is perhaps one of the most entertaining ways to spend a day. Among the
zoo’s residents are more than 68 endangered species. Visit the great apes, rhinos, African lions, meerkats, giraffes, hippos, and
elephants. Kids will love the country carousel and train, too.REGISTRATION FORM– (See BELOW)
SEPTEMBER 19, 20 & 21, 2022 — FORT WORTH, TEXASNAME ________________________________________PREFERRED NAME ON BADGE____________________________
BASE/SCHOOL ___________________________________ CLASS ______________________________________________
CURRENT ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________________________
PHONE______________________CELL PHONE_______________EMAIL_________________________________________
NAME OF YOUR GUESTS_______________________________PREFERRED NAME ON BADGE____________________PLEASE LIST ANY SPECIAL NEEDS _____________________________________________________________________
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY NOTIFY_______________________________________________________________________
~ NUMBER OF PERSONS ATTENDING _______ X $93 = _______
~ NUMBER OF PERSONS ATTENDING _______ X $93 = _______
NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE____________________________________________________
DOB _________DRIVERS LICENSE #__________________________STATE ISSUED ________ US CITIZEN?______
GUEST NAME AS IT APPEARS ON YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE____________________________________________________
DOB _________DRIVERS LICENSE #__________________________STATE ISSUED ________ US CITIZEN?_____TOTAL ENCLOSED _______
PHONE: 360-663-2521Below Are A Few Options List of places to visit in the Fort Worth area:
Fort Worth Stock Yards
A stroll through the Fort Worth Stockyards Historic District, established in 1866, brings
visitors back to the old west. This location was once a major stopover for cattle drivers
on the Chisholm Trail. It is now home to shops, museums, and restaurants. You can catch
live shows and rodeos in this neck of the woods, as well.National Cowgirl Museum and Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame
The west is known for cowboys and cowgirls from the past and present. The National Cowgirl Museum and Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame illustrate the pride of Fort Worth. Full of memorabilia and information on
the cowboys and cowgirls of yesteryear, the sites depict past rodeos and the culture of the Old West,
as well as the western world of today.Fort Worth Botanic Garden
Spanning over 109 acres, the Fort Worth Botanic Garden has been showing off its beauty to visitors since
1934. This awe-inspiring mesh of colors and textures features more than 2500 species of plants and
23 gardens. Japanese gardens, rose gardens, and even a rainforest conservatory provide tourists and
locals with a mesmerizing experience. Don’t pass up walking over the Koi pond on the incredible arched bridge.Fort Worth Zoo
Walking through the Fort Worth Zoo, established in 1909, is perhaps one of the most entertaining
ways to spend a day. Among the zoo’s residents are more than 68 endangered species. Visit the great
apes, rhinos, African lions, meerkats, giraffes, hippos, and elephants. Kids will love the country
carousel and train, too.DOWNTOWN/SUNDANCE SQUARE
Fort Worth’s city center buzzes day and night with people, energy and opportunity. It’s one of the most
walkable urban areas you’ll find anywhere – the perfect place to soak up the excitement and friendly
ambiance of Fort Worth. The heart of downtown is Sundance Square, a 35-square-block shopping and
entertainment district where charming, beautifully restored buildings stand alongside glittering
skyscrapers. Here, you’ll find locals, downtown residents and visitors among a multitude of restaurants,
shops, galleries and performance venues.Fort Worth Water Gardens
One of the most interesting places in downtown Fort Worth is the Water Gardens near the Convention Center.
Travelers can cool off in the multiple, contrasting falls. The space is enclosed by beautiful,
shade-giving trees and even features a dedicated wading area. The meditation pool provides a peaceful
place to rest among the cypress trees.Vintage Flying Museum
The Vintage Flying Museum located at Meacham International Airport is full of aircraft from years past,
such as the WWII DC3 and a B-29 Superfortress. The large collection of planes is accessible to visitors,
along with educational information. The museum is a great experience for all ages.FORT WORTH AVIATION MUSEUM
3300 Ross Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76106-3646
Region: Stockyards
Phone: (855) 733-8627
The Fort Worth Aviation Museum tells the story of the aviation heritage and accomplishments in North Texas
since 1911. Its collection of 24 warbirds dates from 1943 to the present and features a US Navy Blue Angel
F/A-18 Hornet in the outdoor display. The museum’s indoor displays include the B-36 Peacemaker and
Forward Air Controllers Museums, a T-38 cockpit simulator and computer flight simulators.
Friendly guides assist all visitors with personalized tours and a gift shop is also available.
Active duty military and their families visit free of charge. Hours: Wednesdays from 9 AM to 4 PM,
Saturdays from 9 AM to 5 PM and Sundays from 11 AM to 5 PM.
Admission is $5 for adults, $1 for kids ages 6 to 16, under 6 free and $10 for families. - Reunions – Past
James Connally/Harlingen/AFNOA Navigator reunion attendance:
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 40
Classes 64-02, 64-041994
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 60
Classes 63-20 thru 64-051996
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 70
Classes 63-17 thru 64-081998
Location: Arlington, TX
Attendance: 98
Classes 63-15 thru 64-102000
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 220
Classes 63-13 thru 64-132002
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 280
Classes 63-01 thru 66-162004
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 280
Classes 51-19 thru 66-182006
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 335
Classes 51-19 thru 66-182008
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 348
Classes 51-19 thru 66-182010
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 322
Classes 51-19 thru 66-182017
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 247
Classes: All2012
Location: San Antonio, TX
Attendance: 378
Classes 51-19 thru 66-182015
Location: Pensacola, FL
Attendance: 161
Classes: All - Reunion Photos
- Reunion 2012 – Activities: Social-See AFNOA 2024 for CURRENT REUNION INFO:
PLEASE pre-register for the following events is at the Officers (PARR CLUB) on Randolph AFB, TX:
Continue reading →
20 Sept. 2012- (Thursday) 6:00 PM- ICE BREAKER/Social Hour at Randolph AFB (RAFB) Officers (PARR) Club (Building 500)
Social time with variety of food
MENU: Hot and cold HEAVY d’oeuvres
COST: $ 16.00 per person
PAY AS YOU GO BAR. - Reunion 2012 – Activities: Dinner-See AFNOA 2022
PLEASE pre-register for the following events at the Officers (PARR CLUB) on Randolph AFB, TX:
Continue reading →
21 Sept. 2012- (Friday) 5:00 PM- Dinner at Randolph AFB Officers (PARR) Club. (Building 500)
SOCIAL HOUR (5:00 PM) (1700 hours)
DINNER RAFB Officers Club (Building 500).
(Max 300 people for the dinner)
DRESS: Variable: Some will wear Coat, others Coat & Tie and some just a dress shirt.
Friday Dinner (Social 5:00 PM and Dinner Served at 6:15PM): Texas Family Style Banquet. MENU: smoked brisket, sausage links, grilled chicken, beans, potato salad, coleslaw, bread and pie).
COST: $ 26.00 per person.
–NOTE: Final head counts must be provided to the catering staff on Friday–14 Sep 2012 - Reunion – Map: Randolph AFB O’Club
This map shows the location of the Randolph Officer’s Club, tour parking and BOQ in relation to the main gate .
Randolph AFB TX is located in Universal City (NE of San Antonio TX. It is East of IS 35. Can go to Randolph From Loop 1604 or Pat Booker. HWY 78 goes in front of the main gate. The MAIN GATE (ENTRY POINT) is located
1.1 miles East of Loop 1604 & HWY 78 intersection. Pat Booker will lead you to the MAIN GATE (indicated by the number 218 on the map).Officer’s Club: Traffic flow around circle is counter-clockwise. The Officer’s Club will always be on your left.
Continue reading → - Reunion – Map: Campus
Map removed
Continue reading → - Reunion – Last
Trying to locate people from Connally & Harlingen navigator/observers classes listed below:
- 52-02
- 54-10
- 54-19
- 59-01 to 59-18 (Harlingen)
- 60-01 thru 61-22 & 62-18
The 2010 James Connally Navigator Reunion was held in San Antonio, TX (Randolph AFB).
- Pilots In Command
Did you know? Title 10 of US code states that only pilots can command flying units—prior to 1976. In 1976 the National Reserve Officers Association held the annual meeting in Atlanta, Ga. ROA chapter one of Charleston, S,C. went to the convention with a resolution to change the U,S. law to read “pilots/navigators could command flying units. The resoluton was adopted by the convention. We got congressional support and the law was changed to allow navigators to command flying units. I commanded a flying squadron, group, wing and served on # A.F.staff as Director of Operations. Bobby L. Hammond (Connally Class: 59-10)
Continue reading → - PAST Reunion 2012 (Golf)
20 Sept. 2012- GOLF: Contact Charlie Eads (Class 63-10) for times, location and cost.
Thursday, Sept 20th at Randolph Oaks.
Continue reading →
Friday, Sept 21st at Olympia Hills.
Tee times will be about 8:00AM for both days.
Contact Charlie Eads if want to play either day!
Green fees are $30 for both courses - OLD INFO: Reunion 2012 -PAST REUNION Lodging
La Quinta Inn: 12822 Interstate 35 North (Toepperwine Exit) San Antonio TX
Phone: Must Call 210-657-5500 to get the special rate. MUST call before 30 Aug. 2012.
Rate $ 59.00 plus tax (14.75%)
Military Retiree and Congressional MembersRate: Standard Rooms: $ 39.00; DV Suites $ 48.25.
NCO Rooms are $ 34.75 and Chief’s Rooms are $ 42.50.
Location: (Building 112) Randolph AFB TX.
Phone: 210-652-1844IF Retiree and interested in staying on base need the
following NLT 15 Aug 2012: (Suggest backup location off base)- Name,
- Number of people in room
- Rank,
- Home address
- Date of arrival
- Date of departure
NOTE: Will submit names of those wanting to stay in the Randolph
Continue reading →
Inn to the billeting people on 17 Aug 12. - NOTE: Past Reunion 2012 – Activities: T-29 Static Display
20/21 Sept. 2012- T-29 STATIC DISPLAY: You can drive to see the T-29 on static display near the navigator training squadron. The T-29 is located on I Street (SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE BASE near the control tower)
Continue reading → - Navs in Congress (Current and Past)
- Navigator on Air Force One!
James Buzzelli, 66; was navigator of Air Force One
By Washington Post | June 13, 2006WASHINGTON — James Anthony “Buzz” Buzzelli, a retired Air Force colonel who spent part of his military career as head navigator aboard Air Force One, died of cardiac arrest June 2 at a hospital in Charleston, S.C. The former Alexandria, Va., resident had lived on Kiawah Island, S.C., since the early 1990s. He was 66.
Colonel Buzzelli, a Vietnam War veteran, served as a navigator with the 89th Squadron at Andrews Air Force Base in the 1970s and 1980s. He was a member of the Air Force One flight crew for President Carter and during President Reagan’s first term.
The day after Christmas in 1983, Reagan promoted Colonel Buzzelli to full colonel during an early-morning ceremony aboard Air Force One. Afterward, the crew flew Reagan to Palm Springs, Calif., where he traditionally celebrated the new year.At the time, the Air Force One fleet consisted of two Boeing 707s. When Colonel Buzzelli left the 89th Squadron in 1984, he became deputy director of the White House Military Office and oversaw the acquisition of the two specially modified Boeing 747 jetliners that have been used for presidential transport since 1990. He was also active in the design of the aircraft communications system.
A native of Blairsville, Pa., Colonel Buzzelli graduated from Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, where he attended on a football scholarship. He received a master’s in business administration from Central Michigan University.
He joined the Air Force in the early 1960s. During the Vietnam War, he served mostly as a navigator on C-141 cargo planes . At the end of the war, he served as a weapons officer on an F-111 fighter-bomber. Colonel Buzzelli retired from active military duty in 1991.
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